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  • Κατασκευή ιστοσελίδας ξενοδοχείου

Accommodation Ikos Resorts Olivia Hotel Info and Map for Gerakini Rest Chalkidiki

Latitude:( 40.268387 ) Longitude:( 23.451921 )

Ikos Resorts Olivia Hotel Map
(how to come)

Info for Ikos Resorts Olivia Hotel

Ancient olive trees and fragrant firs provide both shade and privacy throughout the spacious grounds, the manicured lawns eventually meeting the white sands and refreshing waters of the Aegean. At Ikos Olivia chic design goes hand in hand with subtle elegance to offer a warm welcome to the most discerning traveller.

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Tags: Accommodation Gerakini Ikos Resorts Olivia Hotel Rest Chalkidiki Chalkidiki


Ikos Resorts Olivia Hotel
Ikos Resorts Olivia Hotel
Ikos Resorts Olivia Hotel
Ikos Resorts Olivia Hotel
Ikos Resorts Olivia Hotel
Ikos Resorts Olivia Hotel

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